Evaluation Deployment Guide for AWS

Step 1: Launch the instance with the AMI provided by RagaAI

To initiate the process, please reach out to our team with the following details:

  • AWS Account ID

  • AWS Region

Step 2: Create a default VPC if not present

  • Search for "VPC" in the top search bar and select VPC under the Networking & Content Delivery section

  • On the VPC Dashboard, open the left-hand side menu and click on Your VPCs

  • Click on the Actions button on the top-right

  • Select Create Default VPC from the dropdown menu (shown below)

  • A dialog box should appear, informing you that AWS will create a default VPC with default settings - including an internet gateway, route tables, and default subnets

  • Click Create to proceed

  • AWS will automatically create the new default VPC along with its components

  • After creation, you should be able to see the new default VPC listed under Your VPCs

Step 3: Create a security group

  • Navigate to Security Groups via Search

  • Click on Create Security Group

  • Provide a name for the group, e.g., CatalystSecurityGroup

  • Provide a suitable description

  • Add the following Inbound Rules:

    • Add Port 80 and 22 with TCP protocol and Accessible from anywhere

  • Optional: If you want to restrict access within your VPN, Add ports 22, 80 with the TCP protocol. In the destination, select "Custom" and enter your VPN's public IP.

  • Review your settings and click on Create Security Group

  • Remember to note the name of your security group for further steps

Step 4: Create an EC2 instance

  • Find the section for EC2 from the services search bar

  • Click on Launch Instance

  • Provide a name for the instance, e.g., Catalyst

  • Search the AMI name provided to you by navigating to My AMIs -> Shared with me -> <AMI Name shared>

Note: AMI Name can be different from what is shown in the above image

  • Select m7g.2xlarge from the list of instance types

  • Click Create New Key Pair and provide a name, e.g, catalystkey

  • Hit Select existing security group and select your group name noted earlier (CatalystSecurityGroup)

Step 5: Review and Launch

  • Review your instance configuration and click “Launch Instance”.

  • Wait for at least 15 mins for the instance to be in running state.

    • Note the public IP of the machine. Access the portal via http://<public_ip>

    • It should render a login page

  • Please note that API should be available at

    • http://<ec2_ip>/api

    • This should be configured for running the experiments.

  • Please get login credentials on the mail

Last updated