Evaluation Deployment Guide

  1. Contact Initiation

    • Email contact@raga.ai to connect with the sales team

    • We will provide you with the necessary bash script required for installation

  2. VM Preparation (To be done by Client)

    • Launch a Virtual Machine (VM) using your organization's standard protocol

    • Ensure the VM meets all system requirements. System Requirements

    • If needed, consult cloud-specific documentation for VM setup or run our sample terraform templates to launch VM in your cloud

    • Install nginx on the VM - and ensure that it is accessible from the developer machine. HTTP or HTTPS(if required) is already setup.

  3. Installation Execution

    • SSH into the instance

    • Run the provided bash script on your prepared VM

System Requirements

  • CPU: 8 vCPU

  • Memory: 32 GB RAM

  • Operating System: Ubuntu or RHEL

  • Architecture: ARM

  • Disk Space: 128 GB

  • Disk where /var is mounted should have 80GB as available disk space. ** All the Raga software is installed within this VM. After installation, only access to outside the VM, will be to LLMs (as per need) hosted on internal or external network.

    Inbound Ports

    • Inbound port 22 (SSH)

    • Inbound port 80 (HTTP) (Needed only for initial setup)

    • Inbound port 443 (HTTPS) (If only HTTPS configuration is needed)

    Outbound Ports

    • Outbound port 443 (HTTPS)

    • Outbound port 587 (SMTP)

    • Outbound port 80 (HTTP) (Needed only for initial setup)

      Note: Close port 80 after Raga Catalyst installation

  • Linux user must have sudo access

Sample Terraform Templates to Launch VM



  • Install terraform CLI command

  • Ensure that your system supports Bash commands

  • Active Azure account with a valid subscription

  • Owner or Contributor role on the subscription

  • Registered namespaces:

    • Microsoft.Network

    • Microsoft.Compute

  • Ensure at least 16 vCPUs are available within your subscription and region to deploy the Standard Ds v3 Family instance type.

  • Azure CLI installed

Azure login using CLI

az login
  • Open the web link and input the code

  • Select the desired subscription

Execute the following command in your terminal:

curl -sL https://raga-catalyst-aws.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/create_vm.sh | bash -s -- 'azure' '<region>' '<vm_type>'

Replace placeholders:

  • <region>: Deployment region

  • <vm_type>: public | private


  • Get the IP and password of the Instance

SSH into the instance:

ssh -i ubuntu@<VM-IP>

Install Azure Monitor Agent (Optional)

Get the VM ID:

az vm show --name RagaCatalystVM --resource-group RagaCatalystRG --query "id" --output tsv

Example output:


This is the VM ID, which can be used in other Azure commands to reference the virtual machine

Install the Azure Monitor Agent on VM:

az vm extension set --name AzureMonitorLinuxAgent --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Monitor --enable-auto-upgrade true --ids <replace-id>

Remove Port 80 Outbound Rule after installing Raga Catalyst on VM

az network nsg rule delete \
    --resource-group RagaCatalystRG \
    --nsg-name RagaCatalyst-NSG \
    --name Allow-80-Outbound


  • Install terraform CLI command

  • Ensure that your system supports Bash commands

  • AWS account:

    • You must have an AWS account with 8 vCPUs available and Ec2 FullAccess in that region in the region where the instance will be created. The AWS user must have programmatic access.

  • AWS user with programmatic access

  • AWS CLI installed

AWS login using CLI

Option A: Using aws configure

aws configure


  • Access Key ID

  • Secret Access Key

  • Default Region (e.g., us-east-1)

  • Output Format (json, text, table)

Option B: Using AWS Keys Export

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-access-key-id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-secret-access-key

Validate aws cli Login:

aws sts get-caller-identity

Execute the following command to Launch Raga Catalyst VM:

curl -sL https://raga-catalyst-aws.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/create_vm.sh | bash -s -- 'aws' '<region>' '<vm_type>'

Replace placeholders:

  • <region>: Deployment region

  • <vm_type>: public | private


  • Retrieve the PEM file raga-catalyst.pem from the current path. Copy the PEM file to another location as a precaution. If the PEM file is lost, you will not be able to SSH into the instances in the future

  • Save the security_group_id, as it will be required in the next steps.

  • Get the IP of the Instance

SSH into the instance:

ssh -i raga-catalyst.pem ubuntu@<VM-IP>

Remove Port 80 Outbound Rule after installing Raga Catalyst on VM

  • Get the security group ID from the step 2 command output and replace that ID in the following command security-group-id

  • replace your-region with your region

aws ec2 revoke-security-group-egress \
    --group-id <security-group-id> \
    --protocol tcp \
    --port 80 \
    --region <your-region> \

GCP Account Requirements

  • GCP Account , Project and Quotas

    • Ensure you have a Google Cloud account with an active project.

    • Ensure you have a Google Cloud project with a sufficient quota to launch an instance with the t2a-standard-8 machine type (8 vCPUs and 32 GiB Memory).

    • Confirm the availability of the required resources (such as VPCs, subnets, and public IP addresses) in your chosen region. Use This Command

      gcloud services enable compute.googleapis.com
    • Alternatively, enable it via the Google Cloud Console: Navigate to APIs & Services > Library, search for "Compute Engine API," and click Enable. Navigate to APIs & Services > Library, search for "Compute Engine API," and click Enable:

    • The Gcloud user or service account used must have the following permissions:

      • Compute Admin: To create and manage instances, networks, and firewall rules.

      • Storage Admin: If additional storage operations are required.

      • Service Account User: To assign the service account to the instance.

  • Programmatic Access

    • Set up programmatic access using either gcloud auth or service account credentials.

    • Refer to the Authentication Setup section below for details.

  • Google Cloud CLI Installed

    • Ensure the Google Cloud CLI (gcloud) is installed on your local system.

    • Installation guide: Install Google Cloud CLI.

GCP login using CLI

Option A: Using gcloud Auth

  • Authenticate with The Google Cloud SDK.

    gcloud auth application-default login
  • Authenticate using gcloud auth.

    gcloud auth login
  • Set the active project and region:

    gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
    gcloud config set compute/region <REGION>
  • Export the Project ID in The Environment.

    export GOOGLE_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
  • Verify your configuration:

    gcloud config list

Option B: Using a Service Account Key File

  • Obtain a service account key file (JSON format) with the necessary permissions.

    gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=<PATH_TO_KEY_FILE>
  • Set the active project and region:

    gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>
    gcloud config set compute/region <REGION>
  • Export the Project ID in The Environment.

    export GOOGLE_PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project)
  • Verify your configuration:

    gcloud config list

Execute the following command to Launch Raga Catalyst VM:

curl -sL https://raga-catalyst-aws.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/create_vm.sh | bash -s -- 'gcp' '<region>' '<vm_type>'

Replace placeholders:

  • <region>: Deployment region

  • <vm_type>: public | private


  • Retrieve the PEM file raga_ssh_private_key.pem from the current path. Copy the PEM file to another location as a precaution. If the PEM file is lost, you will not be able to SSH into the instances in the future

  • Get the IP of the Instance

SSH into the instance:

ssh -i raga_ssh_private_key.pem ubuntu@<VM-IP>

Install Raga Catalyst on VM

Install Raga Catalyst:

  • SSH into the instance and run the installation command.

Contact the RagaAI Team at contact@raga.ai to obtain the installation command.

Access Raga Catalyst

  • Wait 30 minutes after command execution

  • Portal: http://<vm_ip>

  • API: http://<vm_ip>/api

  • If you face any issues accessing Raga Catalyst, run the command cat /var/log/ragastartup.log and share the output with the Raga team for quick assistance

Last updated