Enterprise Deployment Guide for AWS

AWS Enterprise Deployment Guide for RagaAI Prism

Deploying RagaAI Prism on your AWS infrastructure ensures that your data remains secure and within your control. Follow these steps to set up RagaAI Prism in your AWS account.

Provision Base Infrastructure

To get started quickly, you can use the Terraform Templates and scripts provided by the Raga team:


  • Set Up the AWS User: The user running the installation is assumed to have administrator privileges. Alternatively, create a dedicated IAM policy with a specific set of permissions.

  • Service Quotas: Ensure that the Service Quotas minimum is set to 32 vCPUs at the account level for compute-optimized (C) instance types for EKS worker node groups.

  • Ensure that your system supports Bash commands

  • The following CLI tools should be installed

AWS login using CLI

Option A: Using aws configure
aws configure


  • Access Key ID

  • Secret Access Key

  • Default Region (e.g., us-east-1)

  • Output Format (json, text, table)

Option B: Using AWS Keys Export
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-access-key-id
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=your-secret-access-key

Validate aws cli Login:

aws sts get-caller-identity

Execute the following command to Provision the Environment:

Extract the TAR file provided by the RagaAI team:

tar -zxvf raga-prism-terraform-<version>.tar

aws-infra.sh is the cloud provisioning script. This uses python, aws cli and terraform to provision the base infra.

bash aws-infra.sh --region=<region> --customer-name=<customer-name> --docker-hub-pat=<docker-hub-pat>

Replace placeholders:

  • <region>: Deployment region

  • <customer-name>: This will be prefix for all aws resources

  • <docker-hub-pat>: Provided by RagaAI team

List of AWS Resources Provisioned by RagaAI Terraform Infrastructure

Note: You can also set up your cloud environment using the following requirements as an Alternative to the RagaAI Terraform templates

S3 Bucket

Create S3 bucket and Configure CORS with the following settings:

  • Allowed Methods: GET, PUT

  • Allowed Origins: * (all origins)

  • Allowed Headers: * (all headers)

  • Exposed Headers: none

  • Max Age: 3000 seconds

EKS Cluster
  • Kubernetes v1.24+ (Recommend containerd runtime)

  • Ensure that the Service Quotas minimum is set to 32 vCPUs at the account level for compute-optimized (C) instance types

  • Worker Node Groups Configuration

    Worker Node Group

    Instance Type

    vCPU & Memory

    Min Size

    Root Volume




    AMD Node Group


    8vCPU & 16GB

    2 nodes

    64 GB




    ARM Node Group


    8vCPU & 16GB

    2 nodes

    64 GB



    architecture=arm, nodetype=arm-node

  • Cluster Add-ons

    • AWS EBS CSI Driver must be enabled

  • IRSA Setup

    • Role Name: raga-role

    • Required Permissions:

      • Access to the S3 bucket created above

      • Trust relationship with EKS OIDC provider

      • Service account should be system:serviceaccount:raga:raga-role

  • Cluster Autoscaler

    • Deploy Cluster autoscaler

RDS Instance
  • Instance Class: db.r5.large (2 vCPU & 16 GiB Memory)

  • Storage Allocation: 50 GB

  • Engine: mysql

EC2 Instance
  • Create an EC2 instance in a public subnet to act as a bastion/jump box.

    • Instance type: t2.micro (1 vCPU and 1 GB Memory)

    • EBS: 8 GB

  • Security group for bastion/jump box.

    • Inbound Rules:

      • Allows HTTP traffic on port 22.

    • Outbound Rules:

      • Permits all outbound traffic within the VPC

  • Security group for an internal load balancer within a VPC

    • Inbound Rules:

      • Allows HTTP traffic on port 80 from within the VPC.

      • Allows HTTPS traffic on port 443 from within the VPC

    • Outbound Rules:

      • Permits all outbound traffic within the VPC

  • VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

  • 2 Public and 2 private subnets

  • 1 Internet Gateway (IGW)

  • 1 NAT Gateway

AWS Secrets

Required Secret Keys




Install Raga Prism

Install Raga Prism:

Download and Extract the TAR file provided by the RagaAI team:

curl -o $HOME/raga-prism-aws-deploy-<version>.tar "<URL>"
tar -zxvf $HOME/raga-prism-aws-deploy-<version>.tar

raga-prism-aws-deploy.sh is the Prism deployment script.

bash raga-prism-aws-deploy.sh --region=<region> --customer-name=<customer-name> --release-tag=<release-tag>
  • <location>: AWS region

  • <customer-name>: This will be prifix for all AWS resources

  • <release-tag>: Get the release version from Raga team

Access Raga Prism

Access Prism UI with the private loadbalancer Endpoint

  • Portal: http://<Load_Balancer_EndPoint>

  • API: http://<Load_Balancer_EndPoint>/api

For any issues during the deployment process or additional assistance, please contact our support team at contact@raga.ai.

Last updated

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