Upload dataset via CSV

Once your project is created, you can upload datasets to it. Here's how you can upload a dataset via a CSV file:

Create New Dataset in a Project
  1. Select your newly created project from the project list.

  2. Navigate to the Dataset tab within the project.

  3. Click on the Create New Dataset button.

  4. In the upload window, select the Upload CSV tab.

  5. Click on the upload area and browse/drag and drop your local CSV file. Ensure the file size does not exceed 1GB.

  6. Enter a suitable name for your dataset.

  7. Click Next to proceed.

Next, you will be directed to map your dataset schema with Catalyst's inbuilt schema, so that your column headings don't require editing:

Set Dataset Schema

Here is a list of Catalyst's inbuilt schema elements (definitions are for reference purposes and may vary slightly based on your use case):

Schema ElementDefinition


Unique ID associated with a trace


Any additional data not falling into a defined bucket


Expense associated with generating a particular inference


Context documents expected to be retrieved for a query


Time taken for an inference to be returned


Predefined instruction provided to an LLM to shape its behaviour during interactions


Unique identifier used to trace and log the sequence of operations during an LLM inference process


Sequence of processes or stages that an input passes through before producing an output in LLM systems


Output generated by an LLM after processing a given prompt or query


Surrounding information or history provided to an LLM to inform and influence its responses


A version of the LLM's output that has been modified to remove sensitive, inappropriate, or undesirable content


Input or query provided to an LLM that triggers the generation of a response


Anticipated or ideal output that an LLM should produce in response to a given prompt


Specific date and time at which an LLM action, such as an inference or a response, occurs

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