Evaluation Deployment Guide for AWS
Step 1: Launch the instance with the AMI provided by RagaAI
To initiate the process, please reach out to our team with the following details:
AWS Account ID
AWS Region
Step 2: Create a VPC if not present
Search for "VPC" in the top search bar and select VPC under the Networking & Content Delivery section
Click Create VPC
Select VPC and more and give a Name after checking select box Auto-generate
Keeping all other options default, scroll down and click Create VPC
After creation, you should be able to see the new VPC listed under Your VPCs
Step 3: Create a security group
Navigate to Security Groups via Search
Click on Create Security Group
Provide a name for the group, e.g.,
Provide a suitable description
Select The VPC created in previous step
Verify Outbound rules are already configures as in image below.
Add the following Inbound Rules:
Add Port 80 and 22 with TCP protocol and Accessible from anywhere
Optional: If you want to restrict access within your VPN, Add ports 22, 80 with the TCP protocol. In the destination, select "Custom" and enter your VPN's public IP. Users also need to add an inbound rule on same CIDR block of EC2 instace for port 80 in such situations.
Review your settings and click on Create Security Group
Remember to note the name of your security group for further steps
Step 4: Create an EC2 instance
Find the section for EC2 from the services search bar
Click on Launch Instance
Provide a name for the instance, e.g.,
Search the AMI name provided to you by navigating to My AMIs -> Shared with me -> <AMI Name shared>
Note: AMI Name can be different from what is shown in the above image
Select m7g.2xlarge from the list of instance types
Click Create New Key Pair and provide a name, e.g,
Hit edit against network settings
Select the VPC created in previous step
Select the public subnet available as in above screenshot
Hit Select existing security group and select your group name noted earlier (
Click Advanced details, in UserData section insert the token provided on mail.
Review your instance configuration and click “Launch Instance”.
Wait for at least 15 mins for the instance to be in running state.
Note the public IP of the machine. Access the portal via http://<public_ip>
It should render a login page
Please note that API should be available at
This should be configured for running the experiments.
Note if we are restricting ips in the inbound rules in Step 3, At this point we must add one rule like below
Type - HTTP
Source - Custom and IP as the <ec2_ip>/32 like in below image
Please get login credentials on the mail
Last updated