On-Premise Deployment for Azure

RagaAI Catalyst Enterprise Solution for Azure Deployment Guide

Deploying RagaAI Catalyst on Azure ensures that your data remains secure and within your control. Follow these steps to set up RagaAI Catalyst in your Azure environment.


Before starting the deployment, ensure that the following Azure resource providers are enabled for your subscription:

  1. In the Azure portal, search for Subscriptions.

  2. Select the subscription you want to use for provisioning.

  3. Click the Resource Provider tab in the subscription console.

  4. Enable the following resource providers:

    • Microsoft.Compute

    • Microsoft.Network

    • Microsoft.Storage

    • Microsoft.Insights

    • Microsoft.ContainerInsights

    • Microsoft.DBforMySQL

Additionally, install the following tools on your Linux or Mac system:

  • Terraform

  • Azure CLI

  • jq binary

Step 1: Contact the RagaAI Sales Team for Deployment

To obtain the deployment package, which is in zip format, contact our sales team at contacts@raga.ai. The deployment package will include the necessary scripts and configuration files.

Note: The person running the installation must have administrator privileges for the subscription. Alternatively, create a dedicated role in the subscription with a specific set of permissions using the policy defined in the azure_iam_access.json file available in the deployment package.

Step 2: Prepare the Values for Infrastructure

  1. Copy the sample file env_json_file_sample.json from the deployment package to your local machine.

  2. Update the placeholders in the file with actual values.

Parameters for Azure Infrastructure:

Step 3: Provision the Infrastructure Using Shell Script

Use the following command to provision the infrastructure:

bash azure-infra.sh <Environment_Variables_Json_File_Path> <Subscription_ID>

Note: Ensure to provide the full path of the env_json_file_sample.json file in the bash script command.

Step 4: Configure the Domain

  1. Retrieve the Load Balancer endpoint from the output of the script.

  2. Create an A record in your DNS provider pointing to the Load Balancer endpoint.

This setup will ensure that RagaAI Catalyst is accessible through your chosen domain.

For any issues during the deployment process or additional assistance, please contact our support team at contacts@raga.ai.

Last updated